Office Coffee and Water Filtration Excellence for Loveland

Office Coffee and Water Filtration Excellence for Loveland
You deserve great coffee in Loveland. Peak Refreshments believes that, and they want to prove it’s possible. We have the latest in brewing technologies, including single-cup brewers, pour-over brewers and machines that brew by the pot. Each model we carry has a unique ability or feature that allows us to cater a solution that’s just right for your unique operation. The coffee/tea selection includes all the big name producers you prefer, but we are willing to try to comply with special brand, type or flavor requests. Ask about getting us to also manage your break room supplies, like stir sticks, cups, plates, napkins, filters and sweeteners. We’re happy to do it so you don’t have to do it ever again.
Water filtration units are also available in your Loveland office through Peak Refreshments. These are simple filters, available in either counter top or floor standing units, that hook up to your water supply. Impurities are removed from the water in-line, and people are able to access better tasting water right from the spigots on the filtration units. Hot or cold – great water is available at a moment’s notice. No putting up with bad tap water. And no need to sign up for a costly, annoying water delivery service.
You’ll Love Our Micro-Markets for Loveland
People like Micro-Markets because it’s like having a corner store always within walking distance. Peak Refreshments has a lot of experience with this service, and Loveland is ripe for installation in many facilities. Depending on the space available and the products you want within, we’ll work in a series of coolers, racks and displays to create the “store.” And a self-checkout kiosk is there to handle all the transactions. People can browse the store, take their selections to the self-checkout kiosk, and that’s all there is to it. Each Micro-Market is remotely monitored using the data from the kiosks, which allows us to know what needs restocking or replacing. Stores remain open at all times, since it’s the customers that run the store and no one else.
Loveland’s Pantry Service Headquarters
If you want to go a step beyond a Micro-Market with your Loveland vending services, then ask Peak Refreshments about a pantry service. It’s everything you’d find in a Micro-Market, except all the items are free. This allows you to provide a great fringe benefit of working for your Loveland company, and keeping people in the office for snacks, beverages and meals – maximizing productivity potential. There are still checkout kiosks in the pantry for two reasons: One – this cuts down for the potential of people to try to abuse the system, taking more than they need. Secondly – scanning items allows us to better manage your inventory. Since the stores are remotely monitored, each scan – essentially – is reported to us.